This is not the real thing, of course The RaSCSI printer implementation is not Atari-specific. Instead, you can run your Atari emulator, print to a file from within the emulator, and then use your native OS to print this file. you do not necessarily need an original Atari machine in order to be able to print with a word processing application for the Atari.

Once more point I'd like to point out, Atari once againi: Besides excellent software emulators there are also some clones, i.e. I had to smile, because I never ever used TeX, but the TempusWord word processor for the Atari. I remember that somebody once told me that it was obvious that I had used TeX for it. I would definitely not be able to convert my thesis, for instance, which contains a lot of embedded graphics, footnotes, a table of contents and an index, everything automatically generated and/or maintained on the fly (WYSIWYG) by the word processor. There were popular word processing applications for the Atari, and usually you cannot just (without losing formatting etc.) convert files in their proprietary format to, let's say, OOXml, in order to print it from a current platform with an up to date word processing application.
There are references to drivers for Mac but I haven't been able to find them archived Regarding word processing you are absolutely right.

I don't have first-hand experience with SCSI printers on Mac, but after some cursory research I ran into the MicroDry line of printers from ALPS, which has an interesting connectivity solution in that they use the parallel port on PCs, but has a SCSI dongle for hooking up to Macs. It's relatively straight-forward to set up network printing: For Macintosh it's slightly less valuable, since it comes with Apple's LaserWriter drivers which can be used over Ethernet with a modern CUPS printer server via, say, Netatalk's papd daemon. Default is This is a neat and potentially very useful idea, in particular for platforms that don't have a network printer spooler.